Shane is a top graduate of the Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy, class of 2007. He has continued education with Functional Movement Systems, completing courses in Selective Functional Movement Assessment, Functional Movement Screening, Screening and Assessing Breathing: A Multidimensional Approach; as well as studies with The Orthotic Group including Orthotic Foot Biomechanics and Compression Garment Therapy plus Kiniseotaping. Shane continues to stay current researching biomechanics, natural movement and posture, through constant self directed research.
He has an ongoing drive to help patients develop, recover, improve, as well as, maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. Shane is always learning about the body and how to support its healing and physical integrity.
His approach to massage is to identify the dysfunction and misuse of our body in everyday life. Through his assessment of movement he looks for decreased mobility, motor control and strength. Shane strives to improve and restore function and optimize movement through hands on therapy, often paired with exercise, skill based movement and patient education.
With his off time Shane loves using principles of natural movement to explore our abundant natural environments, especially our many waterfalls, granite shores and woodlands. He continues to practice and teach Aikido, a martial art of non violent conflict resolution, with 15 years experience, having achieved the rank of 2nd degree black belt. Shane is also a maker who enjoys working with wood and metal.